sábado, janeiro 18, 2025

Job Opportunities Available for Professionals with CompTIA Security+ Certification

The field of IT is full of space for innovations and provides lots of career prospects. At the same time, there is high competition for jobs, so it’s better to acquire some basic qualifications and validate them through credentials so as to raise chances of getting hired and have more options to choose from.


There are many certifications for almost all areas of IT. For example, if you are interested in becoming a cybersecurity professional, CompTIA badges hold a special spot. Let’s find out more about this vendor and its Security+ accreditation below.

Overview of CompTIA Certifications 

CompTIA offers credentials in four main categories:

  • Core — is dedicated to the fundamentals of IT
  • Infrastructure — covers the architecture of clouds and servers
  • Cybersecurity — prioritizes the security aspects of IT
  • Additional Professional — focuses on added qualifications
  • https://www.certbolt.com/comptia-a-plus-exam-dumps 

If your cybersecurity experience is not so huge, it’s better to start with the core Security+ to strengthen your fundamental skills. Read on to know how to earn it and what opportunities it can bring you.


What to Know About Security+?

The CompTIA Security+ certification focuses on foundational-level IT security concepts like risk management, identification of threats, response to attacks, usage of cryptography, access management, and the development of secure networks and computer systems. To earn this credential, you have to take one mandatory exam, SY0-501. 


At SY0-501, you will be presented with a maximum of 90 MCQ and performance-based questions to answer within 90 minutes. To pass, you must score at least 750 out of 900. CompTIA recommends having their Network+ badge and gaining two years of IT administration experience before attempting the Security+ test.


There are several reasons why people choose to get CompTIA Security+ certified. They include recognition and verification of expertise but still, one of the most tempting arguments is the job versatility you get. So, what positions you can apply for with this certification in hand?

Security+ Job Opportunities

Most often, even though there are numerous IT security positions around, you are required to have certain competencies to be eligible for them. Some roles you get access to once earned Security+ and their average annual salaries taken from the PayScale.com recent research are the following:


  • Systems Administrator ($62k)

As a Systems Administrator, you will be in charge of providing system solutions.

  • Network Administrator ($60k)

Network Administrators install and manage networks as well as solve the problems arising.

  • Security Administrator ($67k)

These professionals configure security systems, identify threats, and provide recommendations on safety improvement.

  • Junior IT Auditor ($67k)

Junior IT Auditors basically conduct audits, help customers prepare for testing, and work with documentation.

  • Penetration Tester ($85k)

Penetration Testers are meant to test the security of a system with an aim to find vulnerable points.


  • Security Specialist ($76k)

Security Specialists take care of cyberattacks to information systems.

  • Security Consultant ($87k)

A security consultant offers ways for eliminating current security issues and manages the implementation of these solutions.


Considering quite a simple path to your CompTIA Security+ and such amazing prospects that come with it, it’s time to start a certification journey. Register for SY0-501 exam, prepare for it with dedication, achieve the passing score, and your career dreams will become true. Obtaining Security+ is a step in the right direction! 

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Philipe Kling David
Philipe Kling Davidhttps://www.philipekling.com
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